About the Science of Soul
The Science of Soul is how I name the approach I developed to nurture human flourishing, which I have practiced in all areas in which I work: organizational development, leadership training, public transformation, therapeutic counseling and leading spiritual retreats.
This approach integrates a wide range of resources that make it possible to make the mind more malleable to understand and serve the multiple dimensions of our being and living, simultaneously contemplating the physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual bodies.
The basis is Goethe's Science and the method he called Exact Sensory Imagination, which enables us us to refine our thinking so that phenomena of any nature can be observed with greater precision.
In the Science of Soul, Goethe's Science is complemented by other practical approaches that I have studied and practiced throughout my journey, of which I highlight:
The legacy of Carl Gustav Jung and successors (Robert Johnson, James Hillmann and Roberto Gambini),
The school of anthroposophy and its various ramifications (Waldorf Pedagogy, Biodynamics, Theory U, among others),
The Sociopsychodrama approach,
The Pathwork school of self-knowledge,
The spiritual tradition of Buddhism, especially the Vipassana approach,
Gestalt Therapy, especially the legacy of Claudio Naranjo,
The Ontology of Language,
Shamanism, especially the wisdom of indigenous Brazilians, North Americans and pygmies (Bwiti)
In addition, the Science of the Soul also refers, theoretically, in the:
Scientific revelations of Humberto Maturana,
Reflective works of Eduardo Giannetti,
Integral Theory by Ken Wilber,
Quantum physics, especially the work of Amit Goswami,
Spiritual writings of Eckart Tolle.
Practical and reflective legacy of Czech playwright Vaclav Havel.
Philosophies of Socrates, Aristotle, the Stoics, and more recent ones such as Nietzsche, Deleuze, Guatarri and Alasdir MacIntyre.
What does this approach offer?​
Although there may be many theoretical references that inspire and support it, Soul Science is primarily a practical approach.
The main transformation that I observe in myself and in those I follow is the expansion of the ability to observe the phenomena with which we interact, which necessarily involves an expansion of self-awareness as an observer and participant in the situations experienced.
In practice, this means:
make the mind more open to perceive hidden or challenging aspects that need to be integrated,
increase sensitivity in all spheres of life,
develop the ability to be present in each moment,
expand the ability to offer readings and diagnoses to people and organizations,
discover more effective ways to express perceptions and ideas,
have more depth in our seeing and the ability to name what is essential in each situation we serve,
find simpler, more direct and effective ways to act in complex situations,
become more creative and available to the flows of life.