Thank you for being here and for your interest in knowing more about me.
I was born in Rio de Janeiro and raised in São Paulo. At 18 years old a profound spiritual awakening has driven me into a path of dedication the transformation of humankind, manifested as cultural and political activism in the public realm, as facilitator and consultant work in the level of organizations, and therapist, mentor and spiritual guide in the individual level.
Along this path I searched for many kinds of resources to transform the human being (beginning by myself) and our actions in the world. And I found in the Science of Goethe the most effective source to fit this purpose, mainly under the teachings of the South African development practitioner Allan Kaplan in his programmes "The Artists of the Invisible" (2009 a 2011) and master degree in "Reflective Social Practice" (2012 a 2015).
At the age of 38, after a second spiritual awakening, life has blessed me with the opportunity of becoming a father. These two events drove me into a 4 years period of reclusion and dissolution of my previous personality. After this period, I began to lead spiritual retreats and to build initiatives which are dedicated to bring the perspective of Soul tou all my fields of work.
In 2024, I baptized the core of my practice as the Science of Soul and decided to focus my work in teaching this approach to whoever is interested to go beyond in making his or her practice a true contribution to humankind.

My walking path
Focus on the Science of the Soul
2022 - 2023
Transition into working from a Soul perspective
2018 - 2022
Paternity break
2015 - 2018
Completing work on public transformation
2009 - 2015
Political activism and strategic collaborations in the field of sustainable development
2002 - 2008
Facilitation of innovations in public policies
In 2024 I started to offer formative journeys with the Science of the Soul as the basis.
After the paternity break, I started to lead spiritual retreats, in which I served approximately 200 people. I also worked with international organizations with a focus on collaboration, mainly with Reos Partners and the UN System. In 2022 I published my 3rd book: “Collaboration for Transformation in Government”, by the National School of Public Administration (ENAP). In 2022 I founded VIBRA - Virtues da Alma Brasileira and in 2023 the Cátedra do Amor.
In 2018, my first daughter was born, and the second in 2020. This was a period of dedication to the family, with very specific collaborations on some projects and the realization of some training days based on Goetheanism, manily the course "Essence of Facilitation". This was a period of deep spiritual growth and meditation on what truly could be my main contribution to humanity.
After completing the master degree in 2015, I began working with the development of leaders for public transformation, being one of the founders of Update Institute and advisors of Democracy and Sustainability Institute, and in the creation of the Forum of Tomorrow. After a spiritual awakening, I decided to systematize my experience in public transformation in the book "The void in power – a reinvention of the political being", published in 2018, and withdraw from political activism to engage more deeply in the spiritual life and fatherhood.
In 2009 I met Allan Kaplan and began my journey into Goetheanism. At the same time, I dedicated myself to creating a political movement to influence, in the 2010 elections, in favor of Sustainable Development ( Mov Marina Silva ). From this experience I joined several organizations in the area of ​​Sustainable Development: Vitae Civilis, OXFAM Brasil and IDS (Inst. Democracy and Sustainability). I started my master's degree in 2012, became a columnist for Página 22 and worked with REOS partners, Arab Reform Initiative, UNEP others public institutions.
In 2002 I was responsible for facilitating and designing the Participatory Budget for the city of São Paulo, and in 2003 I published my first book, "Methods and Attitudes to Facilitate Participatory Meetings", the first published in Brazil in this area. From then on, I started working in innovation for public participation, and worked with more than 20 public institutions and 5 international organizations in the areas of: culture, education, environment, health and public management.
1998 - 2002
Culture and Youth Movements
During university (International Relations) I engaged in cultural activism and youth movements, mainly with Movimento Saraus, the Youth Workshop and the International Youth Parliament (Sidney, 2001), which became strong references for activism at the time. Activism led me to receive scholarships offered by international institutions that qualified me to start a career as a facilitator, in a period of emergence of innovative participatory public policies.
These are the people that walk this new path with me. Each one is of great value for my journey and at least one of the initiatives I run.